Niklas Modig
Author, inspirational speaker & researcher
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Niklas Modig
Niklas Modig was a researcher at the Center for Innovation and Operations Management at Stockholm School of Economics between 2003-2018. Today he is one of the leading authorities within lean and operational excellence. Niklas is the author of the best-selling book “This Is Lean – Resolving the Efficiency Paradox” which has sold over 180 000 copies and became the Nr.1 best-selling management book in Sweden 2012 and one of the most sold lean book of all time.
Niklas’s main research focus was how the lean concept and Toyota Production System can be applied and integrated within the entire value chain of organizations. He is also well-know for his lean management concept which numerous top-management teams have adopted. In parallel with his business research, Niklas also researches about change management and competence development by doing qualitative studies on various organizations, groups and individuals. He also coaches students, artists, top-athletes and executives within personal efficiency and work-life balance. His latest concept is called Lean On Myself.
What they say.
“Niklas is my man on LEAN. He has spellbound my top leadership on several occasions, by showing us how a different perspective uncovers new areas of improvement. He is refreshingly energetic, well articulated, and to the point.”
Hans Christian Holte“Niklas is not just another speaker on lean. He makes the concept lean easy to approach with his deep knowledge and logical story-telling. He presents his findings in a way that is engaging and easy to understand. He was greatly appreciated by the management group”
Mikael Stöhr
Free download of part one of the Lean Integration Program.
The program aims to educate entire organisations about what lean is and what lean means for them. Your company will be able to developed “organisational readiness” – the deep & necessary understanding that makes it possible to drive and secure change.
My experiences as a teacher and lecturer have taught me the importance of active, critical, well-structured engagement with a book’s contents. Reading, on it’s own, is never sufficient, because we are able to process and retain only a fraction of what we read. I wanted to develop an educational platform that would help managers and employees to acquire a deep understanding of the principles described in This is Lean and apply them to their company’s particular situation and operational strategy.
– Niklas Modig
Visit for more information.
The lectures
Niklas main research focus was how the lean concept and Toyota Production System can be applied and integrated within the entire value chain of organisations. In parallel with his business research, Niklas is also researched about change management and competence development, Niklas latest concept is called Lean On Myself. Here is some of the concepts Niklas is speaking about.
Defining Lean and Operational Excellence
Lean is the most spread management concept in the world. It is applied within all types of functions in almost every industry. Recent research however shows that there are much more to learn. In this lecture, one of the leading lean speakers – Niklas Modig – will give you a deeper understanding of what operational excellence is really about. As the only foreign researcher in the world, Niklas has spent thousands of hours inside Toyota Japan decoding their philosophy and way of working. He will share his latest insights and help us explore how we can take our improvement initiatives to the next level and resolve the efficiency paradox.
Lean Change Management
Lean Change Management is a workshop aiming to help managers to understand the core features of lean management and change management. The workshop is applicable for all types of industries, directed to executives at all managerial levels and appeals to both novices and experts. The intention of the workshop is to cover all basic aspects that an executive needs to know in order to lead and drive a lean transformation program. What is a lean operations strategy? How is it implemented? How is a lean culture developed? What is the role of the management? Why do organizations fail and what are the main success factors?
Lean healthcare
Lean started to spread into the service industry for more than ten years ago. Today it is extensively used within healthcare. Almost every hospital in Scandinavia is utilizing lean – or similar “flow” oriented concepts – in order to improve the situation for their patients. The aim is to eliminate queues, waiting time, waste, inefficiencies and bureaucracy in order to improve quality, flexibility and process flow. There is unfortunately still a lot of misunderstandings regarding what lean is and especially how it can be adopted within healthcare. In this lecture Niklas Modig will share his latest insights regarding lean healthcare. He will share a variety of cases from both private and public hospitals in Sweden.
News & media
Keep yourself up to date with Niklas latest by checking the feed below.
Niklas Modig confirmed for Lean Forum Bergen 2017
Niklas is confirmed for the annual "Leandagen i Bergen", which is arranged the 16th of February 2017. The theme for the day is "Lean - energi and committment in continuous improvement".
read moreNiklas confirmed as a keynote speaker at Lean Kanban Central Europe – 9 November
Niklas will speak at the annual LKCE-conference in Hamburg on the 9th of November. Find out more about the conference at
read moreBang for the Buck – 27 maj
Den 27 maj kommer olika experter att samlas på Berns för att under en heldag diskutera och tillsammans definiera kunskapsfronten kring hur marknadsavdelningar ska organiseras, styras och ledas. Vad är best practice? Vad kan vi lära från andra branscher? Vilka...
read moreNiklas Modig forteller de viktigste stegene man bør ta for å lykkes med Lean.
read moreThe Estonia version: “SEE ON LEAN” is now available
Today we launch the Estonia version SEE ON LEAN. Buy your copy here....
read moreFrukostseminarium: Oslo – 15 mars
Vi i Sprint Consulting ønsker å gjenta fjorårets suksess og inviterer til et nytt frokostseminar med lean-ekspert Niklas Modig og temaet One Lean Strategy, 15. mars 2016. Läs mer här!
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