Niklas Modig forteller de viktigste stegene man bør ta for å lykkes med Lean.
The Estonia version: “SEE ON LEAN” is now available
Today we launch the Estonia version SEE ON LEAN. Buy your copy here....
Frukostseminarium: Oslo – 15 mars
Vi i Sprint Consulting ønsker å gjenta fjorårets suksess og inviterer til et nytt frokostseminar med lean-ekspert Niklas Modig og temaet One Lean Strategy, 15. mars 2016. Läs mer här!
Buy Le Lean en Clair (50% off) at Lean Tour Paca
Lean Tour Paca - March 24th 2016 in Aix-en-Provence. Read more here or buy our book Le Lean en Clair here.
Niklas is confirmed as a keynote speaker at the EOQ Congress in Helsinki
Read more about the conference here.
NEWS: Dit is Lean & Þetta er Lean
This is Lean is now translated into German (Dit is Lean) and Icelandic (Þetta er Lean). Thank you Lean Team and Pétur for the great translation work and the good cooperation!
Lean Change Management workshop 8-9 mars
Effect Management bjuder in till succéworkshopen Lean Change Management med Niklas Modig. Läs mer om programmet och anmälan här.
Interview: The Hungarian business magazine Figyelő & Niklas Modig
Read the article here>>>
Today I am extremely honored. Magnus Lord and I have gotten the opportunity to give a full day workshop regarding how to improve the integration process of immigrants. Frode Forfang, Director General of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) and Ingunn-Sofie...