by Niklas Modig | Mar 21, 2018 | News
Niklas explains in 3 minutes – how to lead successful improvement work. This talk is produced by...
by Niklas Modig | Mar 20, 2018 | News
21:a februari 2018 deltog Niklas i avsnitt 27 av agilpodden.Vi får höra Niklas bakgrund och hans otroliga resa om hur han hamnade i lean-världen. Hur kommer framtiden se för agilt och lean? Kommer det försvinna? Kommer de smälta ihop? Prat om digitalisering och hur...
by Niklas Modig | Jan 16, 2017 | News
Through surveying more than 3000 Lean practitioners around the world, in order to determine how people learn, adopt and practice Lean in business, the team at LeanKit created the 2016 Lean Business Report, where there’s opportunity to get an in-depth look into...
by Niklas Modig | Nov 12, 2015 | News, Open seminars, Press
Niklas woke up the Congress to the idea that we can at times get stuck arguing for trivial decisions. For example, arguing that we should reduce waste, when there cannot be a serious argument for maintaining or increasing waste. On the other hand determining which...
by Niklas Modig | Nov 7, 2015 | News
Niklas receives the Theater of the Year Award at the Stockholm City Hall – the very same place where the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet is held on 10 December each...