Books written by Niklas Modig
“This is Lean – Resolving the Efficiency Paradox” became the Nr. 1 best-selling management book in Sweden 2012.
The book is launched in seven different languages and has sold over 180 000 copies.
“If you really want to understand customer orientation and operational excellence, this is the shit!”
– Fredrik Eklund
“Don’t miss this book – it will give you a whole new perspective on how to improve your organization.”
– Mary Poppendieck
“Lean is an apparently easy term to remember, but a rather difficult concept to understand accurately. Many executives worldwide still think the real essence of lean production is cost-cutting, which is wrong. This Is Lean is one of the most concise, easy-to-grasp, and fun- to-read books on the topic and it will help you understand the essence of this important management philosophy of the 20th and 21st centuries.”
– Professor Takahiro Fujimoto
INC reviewed This is Lean as a “groundbreaking book”, read the review here.

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