About me

Inspirational speaker, author & researcher
Niklas Modig was a researcher at the Center for Innovation and Operations Management at Stockholm School of Economics between 2003 and 2018 and he is now one of the leading authorities within lean and operational excellence. He has been living for extended periods in Japan and reads, writes, and speaks Japanese fluently. From 2006 to 2008, Niklas was a visiting researcher at the “Center of Excellence – Manufacturing Management Research Center” at University of Tokyo where he researched together with professor Takahiro Fujimoto who is the leading Toyota researcher of all time.
As the first and only foreign researcher in the world Niklas was given access to conduct a in-depth study of Toyota Motor Corporation’s most high-performing service systems. He has spent thousands of hours inside Toyota trying to understand the depth of their philosophy.

Researcher background
Niklas’ main research focus was how the lean concept and Toyota Production System can be applied and integrated within the entire value chain of organizations. He is also well-know for his lean management concept which numerous of top-management teams have adopted.
In parallel with his business research, Niklas researched about change management and competence development by making qualitative studies of various organizations, groups and individuals. He is coaching students, artists, top-athletes and executives within personal efficiency and work-life balance. His latest concept is called Lean On Myself.
Niklas currently works as a supervisor and strategic facilitator for various multi-national companies and organizations, such as Anticimex, AstraZeneca, ABB, ComHem, Ericsson, Nordea, Saab Group, Scania, Siemens, SEB, Vattenfall, Volvo Cars, Telenor, etc. but also various hospitals, public organizations, management consulting firms, private equity firms, venture capital firms, etc. He has taken a leading position as inspirational lecturer within the field of lean and operational excellence. Niklas is the author of the best-selling book “This Is Lean – Resolving the Efficiency Paradox” which has sold over 180 000 copies and became the Nr.1 best-selling management book in Sweden 2012 and the most sold lean book of all time. The book has been launched in Swedish, English, Danish, Finnish, Polish, French, German, Spanish and Norwegian. In 2012 Niklas was selected as one out of 101 Super-talents in Sweden by the weekly business publication Veckans Affärer.